Wednesday, October 2, 2013

About This Blog: You Are What You Eat

As a foodie I love to talk about food, think about food, read about food, cook food, and of course, eat food.  Food is one of life's great pleasures.

Cooking is a passion of mine and when I set out to make a meal, I always try to start at absolute scratch.  I want to know what it takes to make a meal from the bitter beginning to the rewarding finale.  I wake up at 6 a.m. so as to form loaves of bread to rise and be ready for the oven by 8 a.m.,  I painstakingly peel little tiny pearl onions to put into my Beef Bourguingnon, I shake my head in disgust when a yolk in prematurely popped in the frying pan.

I am meticulous when it comes to food...some may even say I am a snob.

If it is snobbish to want the best of the best and the freshest of the fresh to make my meal the most delicious and nutritious, then I am a snob.  However, I think more people need to really look at their food with a critical snobby eye.

When buying an item from the grocery store, what sorts of questions do you think about?  I try (but not always succeed) to think of questions like:  Where does this item come from?  What sort of customer are they trying to sell it to?  Would I pay more for an organic version?  Are these companies selling images or food?

It is is this sort of thinking that has made me begin to explore the American food system and how it shapes (for better and for worse) the global economy, scientific advancement, and of course, each of us.

As the saying goes, "You are what you eat."  And if that is true...what am I?  

1 comment:

  1. That's great that you enjoy cooking from scratch! Although I do enjoy a good meal made entirely from scratch, I also enjoy the convenience of pre-made foods that often taste just a good and are just as healthy. Your question: "Are these companies selling images or food?" really struck me. That is a good point. Often, when I do buy pre-made food, the images on the packaging are nothing close to what I am actually eating.
    I look forward to reading more about this topic on your blog!
